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Vaccination Resources for Expecting & New Parents

Updated: Apr 3

As a mother of 2 young boys, a doula, and a childbirth educator, I always seek to help my clients make informed, educated decisions when it comes to parenting their newborn babies. One of the ways I do that is by sharing various resources on related topics, and vaccination is one of them. Routine childhood vaccination is a hot topic, as there tends to be very polarizing viewpoints on the subject. By compiling all of these resources together, it is my hope that you will be able to come to a decision regarding vaccination not by coercion or fear, but by true informed consent.


-A project dedicated to sharing information from experts regarding how your baby can be affected by decisions you make before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and while nursing.

-A collection of research and information regarding vaccines and the infectious diseases they aim to prevent.

-A website and Instagram account that guides parents and caregivers on how to read a manufacturer insert and how to make educated and empowered medical decisions.

-An organization whose mission is to create a healthier world by educating and empowering people to step outside of the traditional medical system that profits off of keeping us sick.

-A website compilation of a number of vaccine-related articles, links, and studies.

-A United States program for vaccine safety, co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA.) VAERS is a database that collects information about adverse events and possible harmful side effects that occur after the administration of vaccines to ascertain whether the risk-benefit ratio is high enough to justify the continued use of any particular vaccine.


-A compelling article piece that discusses the history of vaccinations in the United States, the increase in the number of recommended vaccines on the childhood immunization schedule, and the impacts of those changes.


-This episode

-This episode

-This episode

-This episode




Vaccination Alternatives

-A course

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